Friday, May 20, 2011


Οι λαθρομετανάστες, τα επεισόδια, η Διεθνής ( ; ) Αμνηστία.. και ο πατερούλης Soros

Μεγάλος αριθμός κατοίκων συγκεντρώθηκε πριν λίγες μέρες στη διασταύρωση των οδών Ηπείρου και 3ης Σεπτεμβρίου ζητώντας να φύγουν οι λαθρομετανάστες από την Ελλάδα και να συλληφθούν οι δράστες της στυγνής δολοφονίας του 44χρονου γείτονά τους, Μανώλη Καντάρη. Στα γύρω στενά δυνάμεις των ΜΑΤ βρίσκονταν σε επιφυλακή και τροχονόμοι διευκόλυναν την κίνηση των οχημάτων ενώ έξω από τα κτίρια που τελούν υπό κατάληψη από άτομα του λεγόμενου αντι-εξουσιαστικού χώρου, από τα οποία κανείς δεν τους βγάζει, υπήρχαν νεαροί που είχαν σχηματίσει ομάδες περιφρούρησης, για να φυλάξουν τους λαθρομετανάστες από τους "κακούς ακροδεξιούς"..

Είναι να απορεί κανείς με το παράδοξο που συμβαίνει στην Ελλάδα. Οι αντιεξουσιαστές -οι αντίθετοι στην εξουσία δηλαδή- παίρνουν το νόμο στα χέρια τους δρώντας ως αστυνομία στη θέση της αστυνομίας για την "αποκατάσταση της τάξης" όπως οι ίδιοι την επιθυμούν, ενώ οι "κακοί ακροδεξιοί" που είναι υπέρ της εξουσίας και της ευνομίας και πράτουν ακριβώς το ίδιο με τους πρώτους, θεωρούνται καταδικαστέοι. Και δε μένει τίποτε άλλο παρά να αναρωτηθούμε εμείς οι υπόλοιποι, που δεν είμαστε μήτε αντιεξουσιαστές, μήτε ακροδεξιοί, τι απέγινε εκείνη η ριμάδα η Δημοκρατία, το γράμμα του Νόμου που οι φύλακες των πόλεων ορκίστηκαν να υπηρετούν, και γιατί βρεθήκαμε αφύλακτοί, έρμαιο στα "έτσι θέλω" των διάφορων ομάδων, ιδιαίτερα εκείνων που ενώ βάλουν κατά του ρατσισμού και της εξουσίας, αποδεικνύονται οι χειρότεροι εκ των ρατσιστών και εξουσιαστών.
Στην οδό  Αριστοτέλους υπήρχαν ορισμένα μαγαζιά μεταναστών που ήταν ανοικτά αλλά και αρκετά με κατεβασμένα ρολά. Οι μετανάστες δεν έκρυβαν τον φόβο τους για όσα είχαν συμβεί αλλά έλεγαν πως είναι άνθρωποι που θέλουν να ζήσουν και να εργαστούν με ηρεμία και ότι δεν έχουν καμία σχέση με κακοποιούς. Και είναι βέβαιο πως δεν είναι όλοι οι μετανάστες λαθραίοι, κλέφτες, βιαστές, και δολοφόνοι..

 Όταν όμως βλέπει κανείς τη χώρα του μέρα με τη μέρα να μεταμορφώνεται σε έκτρωμα, σε χαβούζα λαθρέμπορων όπλων και ναρκωτικών, σε μπουρδέλο τριτοκοσμικών που υποτίθεται ότι ήρθαν εδώ για ένα καλύτερο μέλλον όμως αντί αυτού καταστρέφουν και το μέλλον της χώρας που τους φιλοξενεί, θέλωντας και μη, τότε το αίμα αθώων που θα κυλίσει στην άσφαλτο, γίνεται η τελευταία σταγόνα που κάνει το ποτήρι της υπομονής να ξεχειλίσει. Και τότε την πληρώνουν όλοι το ίδιο. Δίκαιως ή αδίκως.

Το κερασάκι στην τούρταΓια ρατσιστική βία επικρίνει την Ελλάδα η Διεθνής Αμνηστία (το πόσο διεθνής, διαφανής και αμερόληπτη είναι θα το δούμε παρακάτω)

Πάρατηρήστε συνθήματα και προτροπή..
Από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας (Ελληνικό τμήμα) μαθαίνουμε για τα μέλη της, διαβάστε εδώ.. Ξεχωρίζουν και η κ. Αλ. Τσούνη η οποία μαζί με άλλους πολλούς δραστηριοποιήθηκαν κατά καιρούς σε δραστηριότητες που από τους περισσότερους καλούνται ως 5η φάλαγγα διάλυσης της χώρας μας και από τους ίδιους τους συμμετέχοντες καλούνται ως «δημοκρατικές ευαισθησίες». Ας μάθουν όμως καλά πως γνωρίζουμε τι καπνό «φουμάρουν» καθώς και τι είναι ακριβώς η Διεθνής Αμνηστία που δεν είναι κάτι άλλο παρά εργαλείο αποδόμησης για τα συμφέροντα του χρηματοδότη τους, του George Soros.

Amnesty International.. Ο πατερούλης Soros.

Στο OSI (Open Society Institute), ιδρυτής και πρόεδρος ήταν και είναι ο Soros. Με τη σειρά του το OSI είναι ο μοναδικός χρηματοδότης της "Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας". Αυτά μας πληροφορεί το Muckety που στηρίζει τις πληροφορίες του σε πολλούς έμπειρους δημοσιογράφους από ολο τον κόσμο.
Στη συνέχεια θα γνωρίσουμε μερικές από τις δήθεν δημοκρατικές δραστηριότητες των μελών της διεθνούς αμνηστίας που παράλληλα ανήκουν και σε πολλές άλλες ΜΚΟ ελληνικές και ξένες. Βεβαίως όλες αυτές οι ΜΚΟ καθώς και τα μέλη τους, αλληλοσυμπλέκονται και έχουν άλλοτε μικρότερη και άλλοτε μεγαλύτερη σχέση με τις γνωστές «συνιστώσες»
- Αντιρρησίες συνείδησης, Αλεξία Τσούνη, Λάζαρος Πετρομελίδης..Συλλογή Υπογραφών για Σεμπρένιτσα.. Όλα τα «καλά ευαίσθητα» παιδιά του ΟΑΚΚΕ..Εκπομπή από το KontraChannel – Βαλιανάνατος, Θεοδωρίδης (Αυγή), Τσούνη και μέλη του Ουράνιου Τόξου..(απο το υγρο-πυρ blogspot)
(Σημείωση: Αυτά ήταν για τους παγκοσμιοποιητές και τις "οργανώσεις" που τους περιστοιχίζουν. Όσον αφορά μερικούς πολιτικούς και κάποιους δημοσιογράφους, οι οποίοι ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ χρίζουν ακροδεξιούς όποιους πολίτες "γουστάρουν", ένα έχουμε να συμπληρώσουμε μόνο: Οι πολίτες δεν διοικούν και δεν εξουσιάζουν και το πολύ-πολύ να ειναι τα θύματα του φασισμού. Αυτοί που θα μπορούσαν να ασκούν φασισμό είναι αυτοί που κρατούν στα "χέρια" τους εξουσία, την οποιαδήποτε εξουσία.)Στη συνέχεια η καταγγελία των πιο πάνω εξαρτημένων.
Οι απαράδεκτες συνθήκες στις οποίες κρατούνται οι παράνομοι μετανάστες, η αύξηση των περιστατικών ρατσιστικής βίας εναντίον μεταναστών και η αστυνομική βία είναι τα κυριότερα σημεία της έκθεσης της Διεθνούς Αμνηστίας για την Ελλάδα που δόθηκε την Πέμπτη στη δημοσιότητα.

Η οργάνωση επικρίνει την αστυνομία για «υπερβολική χρήση δακρυγόνων και άλλων χημικών κατά διαδηλωτών», όπως στην πορεία για την 2η επέτειο της δολοφονίας του Αλέξανδρου Γρηγορόπουλου τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο, αλλά κυρίως για την κακομεταχείριση παράνομων μεταναστών.

Αναφέρει, μεταξύ άλλων, τον ξυλοδαρμό λαθρομεταναστών που φιλοξενούνται στο κέντρα κράτησης στο Σουφλί. Η έκθεση, που αφορά το έτος 2010, επικρίνει σφοδρά τις συνθήκες διαβίωσης στα κέντρα αυτά όπου οι παράνομοι μετανάστες ζουν ο ένας πάνω στον άλλο, έχουν σοβαρές ελλείψεις υγιεινής και περιορισμένη πρόσβαση σε ιατρική περίθαλψη.

Οσον αφορά τις ρατσιστικές επιθέσεις εναντίον μεταναστών, η έκθεση τονίζει ότι αυξήθηκαν ιδίως στην Αθήνα και επικρίνει τους αστυνομικούς που δεν προστατεύουν τα θύματα στην περιοχή του Αγίου Παντελεήμονα.Αυτό που δεν μας είπε όμως η εν λόγω οργάνωση, είναι το ποιός θα προστατέψει τους κατοίκους του Αγίου Παντελεήμονα από τους λαθρομετανάστες!

πηγή εδω

Sunday, May 15, 2011


...ενω εμείς βουλιάζουμε στους χιλιάδες λαθρομετανάστες (500 φρέσκοι ημηρεσίως) και η κα Διαμαντοπούλου "μυρίζει" ή "μύριζε" πριν πάρει την κυβέρνηση το ΠΑΣΟΚ πόλεμο στην Αθήνα,  - βάσει δηλώσεών της -, οι γάλλοι έκλεισαν τα σύνορά τους.
Σέγκεν "αντίο"...

...ευχολόγια απο την κα Διαμαντοπούλου προ κυβέρνησης ΠΑΣΟΚ (2009)

France re-establishes border controls with Italy amid dispute over African migrants

Last week, France took the unprecedented move of restoring border controls with Italy on April 7, after Rome granted temporary visas to thousands of African migrants. In the three months since the outbreak of mass protests and revolutionary struggles in North Africa, growing numbers of African refugees have arrived in Italy; it is estimated that some 26,000 immigrants are on Italian soil, including 21,000 who say they are from Tunisia.
Under the European Union’s Schengen treaty, which was agreed in 1997, immigrants can freely travel throughout the Schengen area, which covers most European Union countries except the United Kingdom and Ireland. The treaty specifies that there are to be no border controls at transit points between countries, like France and Italy, that signed the Schengen treaty.
Fearing a flow of immigrants into France, which is home to a large North African community, the conservative government of President Nicolas Sarkozy effectively disregarded the Schengen treaty with regards to Italy. Simultaneously, it sharply criticised Italy’s decision to grant temporary visas to the migrants.
France tightened border controls, adding more than 300 police to patrols monitoring roads and foot trails that lead into French territory, along with inspecting rail traffic.
In March, more than 3,300 Tunisian migrants from the south of Italy had arrived in the town of Ventimiglia, located 10 km south of the French border. Ventimiglia is a transit point from which refugees try to cross the border into France, by train or on foot. However, they are routinely returned to Italian territory by the French authorities, who have adopted a stricter policy towards refugees.
French Interior Minister Claude Guéant said that France had detained 2,800 undocumented Tunisian migrants in March, and that most of them had already been sent back to Italy.
France’s unilateral decision to restore border controls underlines the extreme fragility of the legal basis of the capitalist European Union.
It is not the first time that the French ruling elite has disregarded EU legal principles. Last year, although the Council of Europe condemned France’s banning of the burqa as anti-democratic and discriminatory, Sarkozy’s government implemented the anti-burqa law. It will go into effect on April 11 in France, which is the first Western country to institute such a ban.
Last Thursday, after Italy issued the visa permits, Claude Guéant told Europe 1 radio that “France will not submit to economic immigration.” On the same day, he issued instructions to regional police authorities (préfets), asking them to limit the impact of arrivals in France of immigrants transiting through Italy.
The circular states that an immigrant who wishes to cross the French border must “hold a valid travel document recognised by France” and a “valid residence document,” “show proof of having sufficient resources—that is, €31 per day if the person has accommodations, and €62 otherwise. Immigrants “may not constitute…a threat to public order” and “may not have entered French territory more than three months previously”.
Italy accused France of violating the Schengen treaty. Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said, “Tunisians to whom we are granting the residency permits will have the right to travel. France cannot prevent this, unless they leave the Schengen accords or suspend the treaty.
EU Interior Affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmström, though she advocates the reactionary position that undocumented migrants should be sent back to their own countries, criticised Sarkozy’s decision. Under the EU’s Schengen agreement, “you are not allowed to do checks at the border” unless “there is a serious threat to public security, and for the moment that is not the case,” she said.
France responded that under the so-called Chambery agreement, a bilateral treaty between France and Italy existing before the Schengen treaty, it was entitled to return any undocumented migrants to Italy for expulsion, if French officials had evidence they travelled from Italy.
The Sarkozy administration’s decision to intensify anti-immigrant sentiment comes amid the rising prominence of the neo-fascist National Front (FN), which has profited from the promotion of anti-immigrant sentiment by Sarkozy and the bourgeois “left” parties. The FN is now set to challenge Sarkozy’s Union for a Popular Majority (UMP) in the 2012 presidential election.
Polls suggest that the UMP risks being eliminating from the first round of election in 2012. Sarkozy’s government is deeply unpopular and suffered a defeat in recent local elections.
Under these conditions, Sarkozy’s government is appealing to the FN vote through racist policies, promoting anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment. Last week, the UMP launched controversial debate on the practice of Islam in France, stoking up further anti-Muslim sentiment. At the same time, the government is preparing an immigration bill that would be discussed at the Senate on April 12.
Recently, Guéant, who plans to deport some 28,000 undocumented immigrants by the end of 2011, attacked immigrants, saying: “French people, after a long period of uncontrolled immigration, sometimes have the feeling that they are no longer at home, or have the feeling that they are seeing practices that are being imposed on them and that do not correspond to the rules of our social life.”
The right-wing Italian newspaper La Stampa wrote, “the struggle against immigration (and not only illegal immigration) is the hard core of Sarkozy’s presidency—like ‘security,’ which was a real motor of his politics, whose origin and development arise from the confrontation with the far right of [former FN leader] Jean-Marie Le Pen.”
Having exchanged sharp diplomatic criticism between Paris and Rome, Claude Guéant met with his counterpart Roberto Maroni last Friday in Milan. It is reported that the two countries reached a deal to carry out joint patrols off Tunisia’s coast to block migrants headed for Europe.
Such measures underscore the complete contempt by France, Italy, and other European governments for the rights of migrants fleeing oppression or misery in their home countries.
The French government stuck by its reactionary persecution of immigrants. Guéant said, “there is no reason why France and Italy should welcome all these migrants who came to Europe for economic reasons, so we will work together to repatriate them.”
Guéant also said that France would pursue its policies of the border patrol with Italy to stop migrants, insisting it had every right to send the migrants back to Italy

SODOM & GOMORRAH: As usual, the friends of democracy were wrong and the oppressive tyrant was right.
This week, France and Italy had a dispute over "illegal migrants."  The western press is portraying this as an immigration problem.  The politicians involved are happy to oblige. The French seek to curtail legal immigration in order to address the challenges of illegal migration.  Mr. Claude Gueant lumped the two as sub-sets of the broader immigration category both with the policy and with his reasoning behind it, saying that the French government needs to "fight against illegal migration and to regulate legal migration."  This came after a dispute with Italy, who when faced with waves of illegal migrants decided to ship them to France.  According to the report, Italy has arrested more than 25,000 illegal migrants since January.The previous article hinted that these migrants left Tunisia to escape unrest and poor economic conditions.  Other articles have been even less generous.  Reuters reports that most of the migrants are from "sub-Saharan Africa" but left from Libya.  The ones leaving Tunisia are simply "young men seeking to work in France" which naturally explains why they left North Africa for Italy instead of France.  This article makes a loose connection between the unrest and the migration issues.  However, it implies that the waves Europe is seeing now are identical to the waves it would have seen if North African governments didn't fence people in.
 The problem here, in the eyes of the press, is Europe.  Governments aren't stepping up to accept migrants.  They simply want a better life, to work, and so forth.  Marine Le Pen is the problem. We may tentatively say that the problem is Europe.  European governments sponsor revolutions to promote "democracy" or something.  As these revolutions spin out of control, they tell people fleeing the destruction that they have to go home.  They've now gone as far as to start patrolling the coast to prevent migrants from leaving their homes.Should western countries accept migrants who potentially harbor anti-western sentiments?  Yes.  It's not like they weren't told this would happen last month.

French/Italian dispute escalates over migrants 

BRUSSELS – An international dispute over a surge of Tunisian immigrants escalated on Thursday when the French foreign minister told Italy to send the migrants home instead of allowing them to travel to neighboring nations.
Some 26,000 illegal migrants have taken boats across the Mediterranean to the small Italian island of Lampedusa in recent weeks in what Italian officials have labeled a "human tsunami."
Italy has said the immigration is a Europe-wide problem and it will give the migrants six-month residence permits that would allow the migrants to travel to other countries in Europe's visa-free Schengen travel zone.
France says it will only honor permits held by migrants who can prove they have sufficient financial resources. Beyond that, France has instituted patrols on the Italian border — unprecedented since the introduction of the Schengen zone. Germany has said it would do the same.
"A large part of the Tunisians that arrive in Italy should not be spread over different European nations like some propose. They should return to their nation," Fillon said. "There is no rule that says that illegal economic migrants should be welcomed here and allowed to travel freely in Europe,"
EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said after talks with Fillon that he is pressing Tunisia to do its utmost in taking their nationals back.
On Monday, Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said there was little point in staying in the EU if countries would not cooperative on issues like migration from Tunisia, which was destabilized by an uprising that overthrew its longtime president in January.
Officials say two women drowned while attempting to reach Italy on Thursday after their boat with 250 people aboard went off course and ran aground just off the Italian island of Pantelleria. Last week, an immigrant boat believed to be carrying 300 migrants capsized and only about 50 people were rescued.
αναδημοσίευση απο εδω

...εν τω μεταξύ εν Αθήναις άρχισαν οι δολοφονίες Ελλήνων απο λαθρομετανάστες, οι βεντέτες, και οι πάσης φύσης κρατικές και παρακρατικές αγριότητες

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Inside Greece's Guantánamo: 'Death by the Taliban is better than this life

The body of a drowned asylum seeker is taken from the Evros.
 Photographs: Sakis Mitrolidis/ AFP/Getty, J Björgvinsson/ UNHCR and Jamie Smyth

Ninety per cent of illegal immigrants in the EU arrive through the Greek-Turkish border – and into the appalling conditions of its detention camps. Yet people keep coming, writes JAMIE SMYTH , Social Affairs Correspondent
HANDS POKE through the bars, frantically waving at us to come closer. Half a dozen faces press against the cell window, all desperate to attract our attention. “Please help us,” shouts a man in his 20s. “The conditions are inhumane. We are 100 in this cell. It’s too crowded.” “I’m from Algeria,” cries another. “It’s dirty in here. I’ve been here five months and 24 days. It’s terrible.”
The shouted conversation across a two-metre-high razor-wire fence lasts only a few minutes. The guards at the Filakio detention centre in northeast Greece run out and tell my translator we have to move on. We are causing a commotion inside the camp and we do not have a permit to talk to the inmates, who are several hundred economic migrants and asylum seekers recently arrived in Greece from Turkey. The Irish Times applied to the police authorities for permission to enter the Filakio centre, but was refused.
When I walk into the centre to ask the guards directly for access it is pretty clear why journalists are barred from the place immigrants have nicknamed Greece’s Guantánamo. The one cell I get a chance to see from the reception area is dingy and overcrowded. Very little light comes through a small barred window. Even at a distance of 10m the stench of urine and sweat is overpowering. Scores of men are squeezed together, either sitting on the floor or standing, with barely room to move. One man sits with his head in his hands.
Several immigrants I later interview in Athens allege that they were maltreated at the centre. “One policeman beat me when I spoke English to him,” says Asif, a 24-year-old Afghan who worked for coalition forces in his home country and was forced, he says, to flee by the Taliban. “I was held for one night there, but I was sick when I got out . . . They treat you like an animal.”
Such claims are impossible to verify, and the Greek authorities deny maltreatment. But a former public official who was involved in establishing the centre admits that the authorities set out to make living conditions harsh. “The idea at first was not to make it humane. If it wasn’t nice, then people wouldn’t want to come,” says George Kourtoglou. “But the places they come from are even worse, so they kept coming. Now we understand it has to be more humane.”
Europe’s top human-rights watchdog last month took the unusual step of issuing a statement about the centre. The Council of Europe said that Filakio provided “filthy, overcrowded, unhygienic, cage-like conditions, with no daily access to outdoor activity” for men, women and children. This could amount to “inhuman and degrading treatment”. Council inspectors also reported they had to step over immigrants to enter overcrowded cells at another Greek detention centre.

KEELPNO, (Greek CDC) struggles to cope with the thousands of illegal immigrants crossing from Turkey at Filakio compound (12/2010 ploigos1 picture)  

Filakio is one of a network of centres in Greece set up to cope with an influx of immigrants in recent years. Last year the authorities arrested 132,524 people entering the country, almost 50,000 of them through the Evros region, which borders Turkey. This amounts to 90 per cent of all the illegal immigrants detained while entering the EU in 2010.
The Greek government, already struggling with the austerity terms of an EU-IMF bailout, says it can’t cope with the daily arrival of between 200 and 300 immigrants. It estimates that there are now 1.2 million immigrants in the country. Most are held in detention in camps for anything up to six months. The majority cannot be deported to their countries of origin – typically Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Algeria and Somalia – and are simply released without access to social welfare, food or housing. Thousands move to Athens, where many are destitute.
A backlog of 55,000 undecided asylum cases means it is difficult for immigrants to submit asylum requests. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) recently warned that the situation in Greece is a humanitarian crisis and that people needing international protection are not getting the chance to apply for it.
Even if asylum seekers get the chance to apply for protection, Greece accepts just 3 per cent of asylum applications. This is the second-lowest rate in the EU, ahead only of Ireland’s 2 per cent rate and below the EU average acceptance rate of 25 per cent.
Most immigrants who manage to enter Greece don’t want to stay there, and attempt to travel on to other EU states, such as Germany, France, Britain or one of the Scandinavian countries.
The situation in Greece is mirrored to a lesser extent in other countries on the EU’s southern border. Italy has been flooded with more than 30,000 immigrants from Tunisia and Libya in recent weeks, following the unrest in north Africa. Malta, Cyprus and Spain are also on Europe’s front line.
These border states are seeking changes to EU rules to enable them to share the burden of incoming economic migrants and asylum seekers with their EU partners. They say that the system is unfair and that greater co- operation between all 27 EU states is urgently needed to cope with immigration flows. This is opposed by countries such as Ireland that do not have an external EU land border and do not want to shoulder the costs of more immigrants. This week France even proposed suspending the EU’s free travel area because of the recent immigrant influx into Italy.
“There is a kind of hypocrisy in Europe by raising these walls in their hearts and policies,” says Anna Dalara, Greece’s deputy minister of labour. “We need to reallocate the burden . . . We can’t turn our country into a concentration camp.”
Dalara says the vast majority of immigrants want to go to other EU states but get stuck in Greece because of the current EU rules. She admits that the Greek asylum system has effectively collapsed but says that the government is introducing reforms to clear the backlog of asylum claims. The aim is to set up new reception centres to screen immigrants, helping to ensure that those in need of asylum are protected.
Among the government’s reforms is a plan to build a wall along a 12.5km stretch of Greece’s land border with Turkey, to try to stem the flow of immigrants. This would be in the area where Asif finished his marathon walk from Afghanistan to Greece last August. It is the only part of the Turkey-Greece border that is not protected by the River Evros, which is fast-flowing in winter and spring and forms a natural barrier to immigrants and asylum seekers.
The proposed wall has been criticised by human-rights groups, which fear it will force immigrants and asylum seekers to take more dangerous routes across the river. The EU commissioner for home affairs, Cecilia Malmström, has also criticised the plan. She claims that the deployment in the area of EU border guards from the Frontex agency is helping to reduce the number of immigrants crossing into Greece.
In the nearby Greek village of Nea Vissa, however, there is strong support for the wall.
“Lots of people are still coming through our village. Yesterday morning a group of 20 or 30 immigrants walked into the village,” says Georgios Paraskevaidis, the owner of a workshop for farm machinery. “We have lots of old people in the village. My mother is 82 years old, and they arrive at her house and beg for food or ask for their mobile phones to be recharged. She gets scared.”
About 200 EU border guards from Frontex are conducting joint patrols with the Greek police in the asparagus and cotton fields on this part of the border with Turkey. “This is the area where the most pressure came last year. We made 36,000 arrests in 2010. The numbers crossing here are now decreasing,” says Georgios Tournakis, a Greek police officer. He takes us on a short patrol with two Frontex officers from Latvia, one of whom has a sniffer dog to help trace immigrants who are hiding in bushes.
“We scan the area using thermal vision cameras at night, and when we locate immigrants we send a patrol to the border and create a human wall in front of them,” Tournakis says. “We shine lights on them and try to get the Turkish border guards to arrest them.”
The Greek police and Frontex have no power to return immigrants once they have crossed the border, however, and Turkey has little incentive to arrest immigrants on its soil. So far Turkey has refused to sign a comprehensive readmission agreement with the EU or Greece to accept illegal immigrants who have passed through its territory into Greece.
The Greek government’s proposed wall could potentially block one route for immigrants. But traffickers, many of whom are based in Turkey and charge people thousands of euro for passage into the EU, have other routes into Greece.
Nirwais, who fled the Taliban in Afghanistan with his wife and three children last year, paid traffickers several thousand euro to to get them into the EU. “We walked for nine hours to the border with Greece,” he says. “The traffickers put us in a rubber dinghy and pushed us across the Evros river. There were lots of us in the boat, and it was leaking. We were lucky to make it across.”
AN HOUR’S DRIVE from the village of Nea Vissa is ample evidence of immigrants crossing the Evros. Kristos, a part-time farmer who owns several fields on the banks of the river, takes us along several trails used by immigrants. Empty bottles, clothes and other rubbish are littered across the trails, which are well worn from the feet of thousands of immigrants. On the riverbank we see at least 10 deflated dinghies. The immigrants and asylum seekers often puncture the boats in case police try to send them back across the river to Turkey.
“A few years ago I came across 50 immigrants huddled here under plastic sheeting. There were whole families with children. They were freezing,” says Kristos, who works at the nearby border post. “Most cross on this side of the border post because the other side is mined.”
Hundreds of immigrants have died in their desperate attempts to reach Europe. Some drown. Some freeze to death in winter. Others are blown apart when trying to cross the minefields that are a consequence of past conflict between Greece and Turkey. The number of immigrant deaths is so large that several Muslim graveyards in nearby towns have refused to bury any more bodies.
Sheikh Mehmet Damadoglu, who preaches in the Greek town of Didymoteicho, near the Turkish border, keeps a record of all the deaths. “The number of refugees grew with the Iraq crisis and the war in Afghanistan,” he says. “Since 99 per cent of the refugees are Muslims, I give them a Muslim burial. It is important to wash their bodies and wrap them in special cloth.”

A graveyard for immigrants and asylum seekers in the village of Sidiro (above). 
Photographs: Sakis Mitrolidis/ AFP/Getty, J Björgvinsson/ UNHCR and Jamie Smyth

Damadoglu recently opened a graveyard for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers on the outskirts of Sidiro, a small village in the mountains. The graveyard, which is the size of a football pitch, is bleak. Row upon row of earth mounds signify the graves of about 150 people. No grass is growing here, and the graves are unmarked. Bulldozer tracks criss-cross the site, which has plenty of space for more bodies. “We buried 12 people in January. Just one person came to claim a body. A Kenyan man came to claim his wife’s body. She was a Christian, but we advised him to leave her here because the body was in bad condition,” says Damadoglu.
FOR THE TENS of thousands lucky enough to make it to Greece, life is tough. There is no access to social welfare or housing. Some families with children end up sleeping in parks or in disused railway carriages, scavenging for food from bins. As I arrive to visit to one of the many soup kitchens run by churches in Athens, hungry immigrants are struggling to secure their spot in the long queue for food.
“About 65 per cent of the people who come here have nowhere to sleep. They get no money or food from the state. We give them mattresses and clothes twice a week,” says Nikos Voutsinos, chairman of the Caritas Athens Refugee Programme. “I’ve been here five years, and it’s always been a crisis. But it is worse now.”
The conditions in Greece prompted the European Court of Human Rights to rule in January that the country violated an Afghan asylum seeker’s human rights. The man was transferred to Greece from Belgium under EU rules that force asylum seekers to make their claim for protection in the first EU state they arrive in. On his return to Greece he was imprisoned in a cell with 20 others, with little access to toilet facilities or food. He was later released and left destitute in Athens.
Most EU states have now suspended transfers to Greece, but progress towards a common EU asylum policy by 2012 is stalled because member states without an external EU border fear that changing the rules would attract more asylum seekers.
But for Nirwais, his wife, two sons and daughter, change to the EU and Greek asylum rules can’t come quick enough. They share a small two-bedroom apartment in Athens with 14 other adults and three children. He takes me into one of the bedrooms and pours a cup of mint tea. It is a room of three metres by four metres, which his family shares with another family. On warm days one or two of them sleep on a balcony.
Desperate to escape Athens he paid his last €1,000, from the sale of his home in Afghanistan, to a trafficker to take his family to Italy. They boarded an Italian-bound wooden boat called the Hasan Reis early this year. On January 16th the ship sank in heavy seas near Corfu, with the loss of 22 of its 263 passengers, all Afghans.
“My wife’s brother died when the rescue ship pulled alongside our wooden boat. He got trapped between the two ships. His body has never been found,” says Nirwais, who believes he is now unlikely to escape Greece and give his family a new life. “I think I made the wrong decision in leaving Afghanistan. Death by the Taliban is better than this life. All I wanted was to get an education for my children. But here they can’t even go to school. We are losing hope.”


Ανησυχεί η Ευρώπη για τις ασθένειες των λαθρομεταναστών. «Υγειονομική βόμβα», ένας στους δύο έχει φυματίωση!

Σε επικίνδυνο θύλακα για την υγειονομική ασφάλεια της Ευρώπης τείνει να μετατραπεί η Ελλάδα εξαιτίας του υψηλού φορτίου νοσηρότητας των λαθρομεταναστών που τη χρησιμοποιούν ως πύλη εισόδου για τη Δύση.

Η ελονοσία, η φυματίωση, οι ηπατίτιδες, το AIDS, η πολυομυελίτιδα και άλλες εκριζωμένες από τη Γηραιά Ήπειρο λοιμώδεις ασθένειες επανακάμπτουν, καθιστώντας απαραίτητο τον συντονισμό σε επίπεδο ευρωπαϊκό για τη λήψη των αναγκαίων υγειονομικών μέτρων.

Την ανάγκη της άμεσης διασφάλισης και προστασίας της δημόσιας υγείας σε τοπικό, εθνικό και ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο έθεσε ο Ελληνας υπουργός Υγείας κ. Ανδρέας Λοβέρδος με παρέμβασή του σε εκδήλωση του ιταλικού υπουργείου Υγείας, του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής.

Ο κ. Λοβέρδος επισήμανε ότι την «υγειονομική βόμβα» των λαθρομεταναστών εξετάζουν μέσω απεσταλμένων τους στη χώρα μας το Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο για την Πρόληψη και τον Έλεγχο Νοσημάτων (ECDC) και το ευρωπαϊκό τμήμα της Παγκόσμιας Οργάνωσης Υγείας (WHO) και κατέθεσε την ελληνική πρόταση για ολοκληρωμένο πρόγραμμα προστασίας της υγείας από το φαινόμενο των ασθενειών που προκαλούν τα κύματα της παράνομης μετανάστευσης στην Ευρώπη. Η πρόταση έγινε αποδεκτή από την Ιταλία, τη Μάλτα και την Κύπρο, που αντιμετωπίζουν επίσης πρόβλημα με τους λαθρομετανάστες.

Το 2010 μόνο από τον Έβρο πέρασαν στη χώρα μας 45.000 άνθρωποι, κυρίως Αφγανοί, Πακιστανοί, Μπαγκλαντεσιανοί, αλλά και από την Αφρική. Συνολικά ετησίως ο αριθμός των λαθρομεταναστών εκτιμάται σε 130.000.

Τα επιδημιολογικά στοιχεία του Κέντρου Ελέγχου και Πρόληψης Νοσημάτων (ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ) που αφορούν στους λαθρομετανάστες και τα οποία παρουσιάζει το αποτελούν την πιο μελανή υγειονομική οπτική αυτής της πραγματικότητας που βιώνουν η Ελλάδα και οι χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού Νότου.

Η πλειονότητα των λαθρομεταναστών (84,44%) πάσχει από την παρασιτική λοίμωξη της ελονοσίας. Ένας στους δύο (ποσοστό 47%) έχει φυματίωση, το πιο κοινό για την Αφρική και την Ασία -αλλά όπως διαφαίνεται και για την Ευρώπη- αερομεταφερόμενο αναπνευστικό νόσημα, και εξίσου υψηλό ποσοστό (35, 29%) είναι φορείς της ηπατίτιδας Β. Επίσης, σε ποσοστό 60% οι λαθρομετανάστες διαγιγνώσκονται με τυφοειδή πυρετό, μια σοβαρή μολυσματική νόσο που μεταδίδεται μέσω της λήψης τροφής και νερού.

Υψηλό λοιμογόνο φορτίο κουβαλούν και οι λαθρομετανάστες που αθρόα εισέρχονται τους τελευταίους μήνες στη Γηραιά Ήπειρο μέσου του Έβρου. Όπως κατέδειξε ο έλεγχος από το ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ, που βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη από τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο στη Θράκη και διενεργήθηκε σε 3.000 άτομα, στα κέντρα υποδοχής λαθρομεταναστών στις περιοχές Κυπρίνου και Πόρου Φερρών ενδημούν τα αναπνευστικά λοιμώδη νοσήματα όπως η φυματίωση, οι μεταδοτικές δερματικές παθήσεις όπως η ψώρα αλλά και χρόνια προβλήματα υγείας όπως το AIDS.

Από τους ειδικούς του ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ οι λαθρομετανάστες χαρακτηρίζονται ως μετακινούμενες «βόμβες» για τη δημόσια υγεία, που κινδυνεύουν μάλιστα να εκραγούν οπουδήποτε, δεδομένης της υψηλής κινητικότητας που καταγράφεται σε αυτούς τους πληθυσμούς τόσο εντός της Ελλάδας όσο και στην Ευρώπη.